Syrian Dabke

14 Feb

Hope, fight and will-power still run strong in the Syrian people subhan’Allah

Wonders of a Traveler

Ibrahim Qashoush was a fireman and amateur poet from Hama, Syria.

During the 2011 Syrian uprising, Qashoush was noted for singing and authoring songs mocking Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and the ruling Ba’ath party.

On 4 July 2011, Qashoush was found dead in the Orontes River, his throat cut and his vocal cords ripped out. After his murder, fellow protesters hailed Qashoush as the “nightingale of the revolution”.

they may have removed his throat, but his voice is still heard and continues to inspire the world

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Palestinian Poetry

14 Feb

This chilled me to the bone, powerful words.


Today, my body was a TV’d massacre.

Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits.

Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits filled enough with statistics to counter measured response.

And I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions.

But still, he asked me, Ms. Ziadah, don’t you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children?


I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza.

Patience has just escaped me.

Pause. Smile.

We teach life, sir.

Rafeef, remember to smile.


We teach life, sir.

We Palestinians teach life after they have occupied the last sky.

We teach life after they have built…

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A word or two – Falisteen

14 Feb

A word or two – Falisteen.


“We do nothing, but see”